Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Our journey

Today I am 38 weeks along...phew it is beyond hard to believe it has gone by so fast. It seems like just the other day we were finding out about our sweet girl and now we are just 14 days away from meeting her. I love you so much Madilynn Anahera Brown. This has been a difficult
journey to travel but I'm glad I did. Most don't understand why I chose to carry you but all I can say is love will really push you to do anything. All the heartache and all the tears are so worth the end reward of meeting you and seeing your beautiful face. My heart longs for the moment I can finally hold you in my arms and give you a millions kisses. You are my daughter and you are so precious to me. I love you more than words can describe and I know we will be together again when your soul returns to be with our wonderful and mighty God. Long before I ever thought about you he knew you and knew that I would be your mommy. I am so honored he picked me to carry you. How many people get to say they carried an angel. My sweet baby girl all the things I wish you would be able to do here on earth will never get to happen. My heart breaks for daddy because you are his very first baby and even though we will only have a few moments with you our love for you will last a lifetime and more. We know the good lord has a special plan for you but it still hurts our hearts that we can't have more time with you. I can't express enough how much we love you princess. Forever and always you will be in my heart.

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